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Treatment / Physiotherapy

We are always strivingclinical excellence.

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Our treatment concept

The Born2Move Physiotherapy team is highly skilled in assessing, accurately diagnosing and treating a wide range of conditions.


During our initial consultations, we place a lot of emphasis on an accurate assessment.  At Born2Move Physio we believe that time to listen, time for detailed assessment, clarification and explanation for a successful outcome of your treatment plan of is of fundamental importance.

State-of-the-art technology, fully equipped gyms and confidential treatment rooms allow us to focus on what is critical to your best outcome.

Why our treatment approach works

Whatever your symptoms or injury, we'll explain things in a way you can understand and show you the best way to proceed.


Our investigations are specially tailored to you.   Focusing on the local, painful or stiff area, we take a holistic approach to determine the true cause of your symptoms and look for other contributing factors.


This may include posture assessments, ergonomics reviews, and other psychological and social factors that may affect your results. This results in a detailed treatment plan that includes both hands-on treatment and active rehabilitation exercises.


Preventing recurrences or injuries will be factored into your treatment plan from the first consultation.

We value open communication and a holistic approach to treatment.   That's why we stay in touch with your family doctor and specialists who can contribute to your full and speedy recovery.

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treatment list

​Aber auch nach diversen Operationen wie:

  • Knie-, Hüft- oder Schulterendoprothesen

  • Vordere Kreuzband Rekonstruktion

  • Meniskus (Teil) Entfernung

  • Rotatorenmanschetten Rekonstruktion

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